A main stream publication allowing one of its reporters to take the monetary system to task!!!

Better late than never comes to mind. If this trend catches on, the governing elites might be forced to justify their choice of our current monetary system. Could that really come to pass?

I am too cynical to think that might actually happen at this time. It may indeed be forced upon the elite but they would certainly not allow debate willingly or preemptively.


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2 Responses to “STUNNING!!!!”

  1. pat00donnelly Says:

  2. pat00donnelly Says:

    A young, naif writer!
    The US currency is a Ponzi scheme that can be liquidated instantly without much comeback, once it is obvious that it will lose reserve currency status. Wise heads expect things that may happen and plan accordingly. A fiat currency has one obvious advantage, especially if one is a superpower! As the USA is allowing manufacture to go to China etc then it is an obvious retort should TSHTF! They may have done irreparable damage to their money makers, the “banks”. It would merely short circuit the devaluation process?

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